Strangulation in the Context of Domestic and Family Violence


For service providers and other professionals working with women experiencing domestic and family violence.

This online short course will increase your awareness and understanding about this lethal form of intimate partner assault and its significant short and long-term psychological and physical impacts.

You will learn to:

✅ Explain the outcomes and impacts of non-fatal strangulation to clients

✅ Recognise key signs and symptoms of non-fatal strangulation in clients

✅ Ask appropriate questions to obtain non-visible signs and symptoms

✅ Assess, respond, record keep, safety plan and support clients to prevent future non-fatal strangulation and violence

✅ Identify where to source specialist non-fatal strangulation information and resources

Ultimately, you will be skilled to recognise, assess, respond, safety plan and support clients who experience non-fatal strangulation in the context of domestic and family violence.

Available through The Orange Story’s, Online School for Domestic and Family Violence Practice.


This course is available NOW!

Daphne White